Sunday, July 6th, 2024
Dodge City, KS → Lakin, KS
78.62 mi, 1280 ft
Today was a long-awaited driving day for me. My last driving day was 10 biking days ago since JD and I had switched last cycle, so I was ready for the rest. It was pretty uneventful as far as driving days go. I packed up the van, drove out to Rebecca to help her fix a flat, picked up a delicious maple oat latte from a small cafe in Cimarron, and met up with the team at a park in Garden City for lunch. And I went to Walmart... twice.
Happened to catch the bikers as I was leaving the gas station!
Later that evening, we had dinner at the Victory Baptist Church. And at night, we saw some really cool heat lightning from our hotel. Thank you so much to Pastor Kenton for the delicious pizza and for booking our stay!
Heat lightning from a distant thunderstorm! Benefits of being in a flat state
Since this was a pretty smooth driving day and I don't have too much content for you all, the meat (tofu?) of this blog is actually the following Buzzfeed-style personality quiz. Take the quiz to find out which MIT Spokes member YOU are and let us know what you get in the comments ;).
As a note, the two quizzes below have the exact same questions and results. Version 1 has unlimited responses but will expire after 7 days, whereas Version 2 will be available forever but has a limited number of responses per month. Have fun!!
Version 1:
Version 2:
I got Hank! - friend of Jess
I got Rebecca. I'm a mom. Friend of Hank's mom. Love following all of your adventures - Maureen
Haha, I got Sophia, and I am Sophia's mom...
Sophia. (This is Lynn, friend of Hank's mom)
I got Sophia! -Maxwell, Spokes 2022